How to Dodge Captchas, Cookies, 404 Errors, and Other Computer Nightmares

How to Dodge Captchas, Cookies, 404 Errors, and Other Computer Nightmares

Who can forget that famous video: an office worker becomes frustrated with his seemingly malfunctioning computer and starts pounding on it… With over 30 million views, it’s clear that managing a computer can sometimes drive anyone up the wall. A pop-up window interrupting a restaurant reservation or a banking transfer can derail the entire process.…

Videocameras with ‘Voice Mail’

Videocameras with ‘Voice Mail’

The automated response “Currently, there’s no one home. Please leave your message, and we’ll promptly respond” is a familiar greeting one anticipates when voicemail picks up on a mobile or landline phone. Yet, in this instance, it’s a door – or more accurately, a video camera affixed to it – that takes the call. The…